What is Mailet?

Mailet is an unobservable transport proxy which enables the users to access social websites by email applications. Without assuming the Mailet servers are trustworthy, Mailet can support the services requiring privileges without having the complete credential.

How to use?

1. Send an Email with random content to mailetproject@gmail.com
2. Authorize by using the attached HTML page in the email response
3. Access social websites by sending and receving emails.

For volunteer: run a Mailet server

If you have a Linux box, and is willing to contribute, run a Mailet server!
Initiator and Interceptor List:


3/31/2015: Experimental test open: send emails to mailetproject@gmail.com

3/18/2015: Mailet homepage is created!


This software is an experimental prototype intended for researchers. It does not guarantee the privacy of the user. Also, it is purposed for research on anonymity, Censorship/Anti-censorship, with NO political intents. If you have any questions, please email facetumn@gmail.com